The world of dreams
Hi all and good morning! Today I'm a mermaid and this is a wonderfull land! *-* I tell you a secret: I don't like green/lime color but I won that mermaid tail at !dm store (gacha prize for 75L$) and I finally found a perfect location for an awesome photo *-* I love the contrast between the blue and the acid green, it's absolutely perfect!
Let's see all the deatails!
Shape: *Mafalda's* - Inazumi's Shape (10L$ @ Marketplace)
Skin: Glam Affair - Mokatana Petals (GG - fee to join 30L$)
Hair: Chemestry - Sirena Hair HUD2
Tail: !dM - Mermaid Tail color Lime (gacha prize - 75L$)
Horns: AII - Coral Witch Headress (10L$)
Thank you... I got the tail and I'm really happy with it ...Got the turquoise if you are curious, lol. Ive been looking for a good tail for a long time