Zily (white):
Skin: VCO - Vivi's makeup Recipe (gacha at The Arcade)
Body: Maitreya - Lara Body
Hair: .EMBW. - Omegha Hair
Eyes: IKON
Jacket: *BOOM* - *BOOM* Sixty-Two Jacket
Corset: -Pixicat- - Temptation.Corset (gacha at The Arcade)
Halo: Nana - Saint Crown
Mafalda (black):
Skin: VCO - Vivi's makeup Recipe (gacha at The Arcade)
Body: Maitreya - Lara Body
Hair: ::Exile:: - Twist and Shout (gacha at The Arcade)
Eyes: IKON
Corset: -Pixicat- - Temptation.Corset (gacha at The Arcade)
Collar: Beautiful Dirty Rich - Like A Dark Horse (part of outfit)
Hands: .aisling. -Morigan Protesis (gacha RARE)
Hands2: DRD
Shoes: [CX] - Sexy Massacre Rusty
Tail: Aii The Ugly & Beautiful
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