Purple is cooooool!

Good morning people! It's cold and it's snowing D: I dunno if I have to be happy or not, but I think I post this outfit! I hope you enjoy it!


Hair: Lelutka - Awe Hair Subscribe gift (you can find it in the first notice of history, I know, it's the same name of the group gift, but there are different hairs!)
Skin: Glam Affair - Vera Horror Edition (GG - Fee to join 30L$)
Eyes: SONG - Murky eyes (free)
Sweater: ((Hippo)) - Bohemian sweater - Dipped die purple (free on Marketplace)
Leggins: BohoHobo - Leggins (no more available D:)
Boots: Blackburns - Desiner Star Boots (free on Marketplace - HUD for change colors)
Necklace: =Zenith= - Ribbon Necklace (GG - free to join)
Scarf: Mutresse - Sequined Scarf (GG - free to join)
Shape: **Mafalda's** - Sayuri's Shape (not free - on Marketplace)



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