My favorite things :D

Gooooood morning peopleeee! :D I wanna be a priiiiincess (?)! No, I'm not drunk, I'm just happy and I dunno why :D

1) Color: Red (muaahsahdudhfdjnj.vzd red everywhere *-*)
2) Flower: Chrysanthemum (red.)
3) Animal: Quokka (It's adorable! <3)
4) Singer/band: Marilyn Manson
5) Book: Armand the Vampire - Anne Rice
6) Movie: Inception
7) Painting: Rosalba Paela - Rembrandt
8) Cold drink: Lemonade
9) Food: Pasta (I'm Italian, what else?!)
10) Hobby: theater
11) Look/Outfit: Casual :S
12) Song: In the Mood for Love - Yumeji's Theme, Sergei Trofanov
13) Number: 6
14) Place to go: Tokyo
15) Season: Autumn (because all is RED/orange *-*)

Kisseeeees <3


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